General and Pre-submission

Urban Sustainable Development is a scientific quarterly published in the fields of urban sustainable development, architecture and urban construction.

Before submitting an article, please read the following general terms:

  • The articles that are registered on the journal should not have been previously published on or through any other media, and or simultaneously submitted to any other journal for evaluation.
  • In compliance with the regulations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, this journal can publish a maximum of two articles from one author each year: for one as the co-responding author and for the other as the associate author.
  • The evaluation process is totally confidential and every article is evaluated by at least two expert reviewers. At the end, two positive votes and the confirmation of the editorial board is needed for the publication of the article. The turnaround time for the acceptance process (upon receipt to the final acceptance) is at least 2 months. To gain more information on the evaluation process, please visit the "Article Peer Review Process".
  • The author/authors are solely responsible for the content of the articles and the articles should be based on the authors' own research.
  • No article would be accepted from any author who does not comply with the terms of the journal.
  • The acceptance license would be issued after the executive manager's confirmation and when the publication charge has been fully paid. You can find more details on the acceptance process in the " Article Peer Review Process".
  • The initial acceptance of an article would be officially stated within 10 days upon receipt of the article, attachments and the license from Samim Noor.
  • You can view the acceptance and evaluation status on the journal website.
  • Setting a priority for the publication of articles is done in the sole discretion of the reviewers and the editor-in-chief.
  • The articles should be submitted via the website. Articles that are submitted via email and/or are sent to the Journal physical address in print form, are not considered.